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1 soul27_P0000
2 We have to take them on![ST:n ]Start with melee!
3 I'm moving in![ST:n ]Use melee attacks!
4 Let's take 'em out up close!
5 I'll take the first shot![ST:n ]Make 'em count!
6 I'm opening fire! Buff me up!
7 Is this gonna work?[ST:n ]Try weakening them!
8 There! Let's take the[ST:n ]fight to them!
9 Let's make this quick![ST:n ]Cover fire!
10 Yes! Get those auras going!
11 I need to fall back[ST:n ]and recover...
12 We're all hurting here![ST:n ]We need a little boost!
13 Forget about me![ST:n ]Buff yourselves up first!
14 Okay, I really do[ST:n ]need to heal!
15 I'm getting dizzy...[ST:n ]Patch me up!
16 This is nothing![ST:n ]Buff up and keep fighting!
17 It's up to you now...[ST:n ]Hit 'em hard for me...
18 Forget about me... Just keep [ST:n ]shooting and finish them off...
19 Use an aura![ST:n ]I'm gonna need a miracle...
20 Got 'em! Now follow[ST:n ]up with a melee strike!
21 They felt that one![ST:n ]Continue fighting at range!
22 Yes! Weaken them![ST:n ]Now's our chance!
23 I got a piece of them![ST:n ]Move in and strike!
24 They're freaking out![ST:n ]Topple them with gunfire!
25 Appendage destroyed! Cripple[ST:n ]them while they're reeling!
26 Our guns can still reach them![ST:n ]Finish the job!
27 We need to buff up to take[ST:n ]something this big down!
28 There's nothing to fear! Show[ST:n ]this behemoth your Overdrive!
29 It worked! Close in and[ST:n ]seal the deal!
30 Nothing to it! Now shoot 'em!
31 They're panicking![ST:n ]Weaken them!
32 My aura's primed! Follow suit!
33 Use an aura so we[ST:n ]can regroup!
34 All right! Get that[ST:n ]adrenaline flowing!
35 Kick into Overdrive, people!
36 Unleash your power![ST:n ]Overdrive!
37 Don't lose this momentum![ST:n ]Use an aura!
38 Who's next?[ST:n ]We're coming to you!
39 It's not over yet![ST:n ]Take aim at the next target!
40 This is just the beginning![ST:n ]Buff us up!
41 We're untouchable![ST:n ]Use an aura now!
42 Whew! I think it's time[ST:n ]to get buffed up!
43 Ha! No sweat! Attack at[ST:n ]range and send 'em running!
44 I am on fire! Keep those[ST:n ]melee attacks coming!
45 Look at me! Let's finish[ST:n ]this at range!
46 Yeah! Give 'em[ST:n ]another thrashing!
47 The weather's getting funky[ST:n ]but we can prep for it!
48 What the hell is this weather?[ST:n ]Will an aura cover us?
49 The enemy's stuck with this[ST:n ]weather too. Weaken 'em!
50 Check out my speed![ST:n ]How about a buff?
51 I'll stir them up![ST:n ]You get us buffed!
52 I'll create an opening![ST:n ]Use Overdrive!
53 Wow, thanks! Ready to[ST:n ]charge back in?
54 Not bad! Let's see how[ST:n ]you handle a gun!
55 Look at this guy![ST:n ]Use an aura next!
56 Thanks! How about[ST:n ]a buff too?
57 I owe you! Now I just need[ST:n ]a buff and we're golden!
58 Thanks, girl! Get your aura up[ST:n ]and let's do this!
59 It's kill or be killed![ST:n ]Melee position!
60 I'm not dead yet![ST:n ]Gimme some cover fire!
61 This is rough, but I can[ST:n ]take it. Just back me up!
62 I'm firing from on high![ST:n ]You try it too!
63 This seems like a good[ST:n ]position. Blast away!
64 I've got a clear view![ST:n ]Ranged attacks should work!
65 Down they go! Smash 'em!
66 Pump them with lead[ST:n ]before they get up!
67 Toppled 'em![ST:n ]Now try weakening them!
68 Stunned 'em! Now's your[ST:n ]chance to get in there!
69 I stopped 'em cold![ST:n ]Concentrate your fire!
70 Weaken 'em now while[ST:n ]they're stalled!
71 Get in close and give 'em[ST:n ]a nice wake-up call!
72 What's wrong, sleepy?[ST:n ]Want us to shoot you awake?
73 They're asleep![ST:n ]Move in and surprise 'em!
74 Gotcha! Now, move in[ST:n ]and nail 'em!
75 I'll hold 'em! Fire away!
76 I'll try and hold on to 'em.[ST:n ]Move in and calm them down!
77 I'm falling apart here![ST:n ]Fix me up!
78 Ugh. We can't fail now.[ST:n ]Fight back with melee attacks!
79 I didn't need that part anyway![ST:n ]Now for us to gun you down!
80 Patch me up so we[ST:n ]can counterattack!
81 At least I'M still in one piece![ST:n ]Buff me up so I can fight back!
82 My Skell's down for the count![ST:n ]Time for Overdrive!
83 My fuel's running out! I need[ST:n ]something to hold me over!
84 Low on fuel, now?![ST:n ]Help me out!
85 I could use help with my fuel[ST:n ]situation! Like right now!